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Fortunately, home remedies like coffee grounds can protect your plants against slugs due to their acidity. In fact, according to the research of the USDA, one to two percent of caffeine found in coffee can kill slugs for only two days. As we’ve learned earlier, snails and slugs love dark spaces to hide.
Look under plants and any dark/shady areas, such as on the bottom of rocks. This is the best way to find them and pick them off, but you should also look for eggs. We recommend using a pair of tweezers or wearing gloves when picking them off. Snails and slugs are a major problem most gardeners face at some point.
Surround your garden beds with wood chips, gravel or bark.
So you’re likely to prevent slug infestation when you avoid watering your hostas up to late hours in the day. Also, do light watering for your hostas when it is not sunny. You can increase your watering when the sun comes out. These measures are effective ways to prevent slugs on hostas.

We’ll show you how to get rid of slugs in your garden naturally. Slugs love dark and damp, so keeping the garden tidy can reduce places for them to find comfort. In early spring, make sure to rake your garden to remove leaves, debris, and slug eggs.
Home Remedies for Slugs in the Garden
Check out how you can get these snails and slugs removed, so you no longer have to worry about your garden being eaten alive. It's one thing trying to control slugs in the garden, but how do we get rid of slugs in the house? And how can we stop them coming indoors in the first place? You can tell when a slug or snail has been inside your house if you find their wet, slimy trails across your floors or surfaces.

Not only do coffee grounds add nutrients to your soil, they can also work as a slug repellent. Slugs don’t love the scent of coffee, nor do they like the coarse feeling of the grounds. If your outdoor spaces have been overrun, try one of these methods for deterring and eliminating slugs.
How to Use Copper Tape
For a long time, I had a problem with these slugs both in my house and in my garden. I tried all the usual off-the-shelf products, including various types of pellets, sprays, and beer traps. Some of them worked for a while, but the slugs returned. My other concern was that I have kids and a dog that could get into poisonous pellets or sprays.
This way, by the time nighttime hits, the soil will be more dried out. This will make it less desirable for them to crawl around on. Rather than waiting to eat your plants in the morning, they will simply give up and inch their way on out of the garden. To help you deal with them accordingly, here are 17 different helpful ways to get rid of these snails and slugs. Some of the remedies can be found for a low cost or already located right in your kitchen.
Natural Slug Repellent Trap using Beer
Keep the cornmeal dry, and it will kill slugs by expanding inside them. Slugs will only notice these traps from a few feet away, so this is best used for small gardens or important areas. To use this repellent you only have to spread on the ground a repellent spray made with this ingredient. However, we must emphasize that the use of this product can have side effects on our soil.
You can also find silver-like slime trails on the nibbled leaves. Beer trap—This is another home remedy option that you can use against slugs. The yeasty odor of beer attracts slugs, which can drown them if they dip into the trap. If they get into your garden and eat the leaves of whatever plant you have growing, that plant will most likely begin to die.
Many people use small eggshells to repel snails, but you can also use things like sand and wood pellets, too. Slugs try not to leave slime trails over sand and wood pellets, as this cuts their bodies. In the morning, pick the grapefruit up and get rid of the snails inside. Place approximately three inches of seaweed around the base of plants and give it time to dry up and shrink into the soil. When the slugs finally make their way to the seaweed-filled earth, they’ll immediately turn around and leave that plant alone. The reason for this is because seaweed is salty, and slugs do not like salt.
Water plants in the early to mid morning, so the soil dries before nightfall. To use this product to our advantage we can place a small amount of beer in a shallow, wide-mouthed jar buried up to the neck. We recommend our article on how to use diatomaceous earth in garden. Diatomaceous earth is an excellent home remedy for slugs.
Copper creates an unpleasant electrical shock when slugs come into contact with it, which will deter them from passing. Create a barrier around your beloved garden by surrounding it with 4- to 6-inch copper flashing, or by wrapping susceptible plants with copper tape. Not only will the slugs stay away, but you can also reuse the copper flashing for several years to come. Keep in mind that this trick will only deter the slugs—not kill existing varieties. A slug beer trap is another lethal option and should only be used if your goal is to kill the snails.

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