Sunday, December 13, 2020

17 Ways to Get Rid of Snails and Slugs with Natural Ingredients

You can also place a jar with cornmeal and lay it on its side for them to crawl in and have their last meal. When searching for eggs, keep in mind that they might be brownish-gray, white, or even yellow. They are also slightly gummy and coated in a slimy substance. They usually appear in clusters on the soil surface, covered by debris. Slugs are active from spring through fall and love cool, damp shaded areas .

home remedies to keep slugs away

If all else fails then you should go out at night with your salt shaker and a flashlight. Look for the plants with the most damage and inspect the leaves. Once you find any critters use this potent slug poison. Don’t overdo it with salt, as overuse can be very toxic to the soil.

How to Prevent Slugs on Hostas?

This is the best time to remove them if there aren’t too many. This method is known to be the most effective if you know exactly where these little creatures like to meet for their dinnertime. If they are known to crawl around all different areas of the garden rather than all migrating to one place, then this may be a little difficult.

This method is only for those that are okay with being a little violent with these creatures. This is also a lot more effective if you’re only dealing with one or two of these critters in your garden. If your garden has several different snails and slugs roaming about, then it won’t be easy to impale several different slugs all at once.

Slug and Snail Facts

Though you are allowed to let wood ash come into contact with plants, especially to kill snails and slugs, try not to sprinkle too much ash on the plants. Too much of this could kill them just as easily as the crawly critters. There is another creatively clever way to make these pests disappear. Sprinkle wood ash on either your plants directly or the outside perimeter of your garden. Similar to coffee grounds, wood ash is known to be good for your garden’s soil. So, not only are you repelling these pests you are also helping your plants.

home remedies to keep slugs away

To keep those creepy crawlers from devastating your garden, try any of these 5 easy solutions. Lore has it that copper shocks slugs; though I haven’t seen much science behind that theory. Whatever the magic, copper tubing, flashing, or tape is believed to provide an excellent barrier to keep slugs at bay. You can put it around certain plants or around whole beds—just be sure to have previously trapped all the slugs within the fenced area first. If you opted for the backyard chickens mentioned above, you can use the shells from their eggs for this purpose.

Lure Slugs Away

Wool pellets are a great organic way to deter slugs in the garden and they can also be used to block entry points into the house. Wool is a natural material so is not harmful and it breaks down naturally. You can plant these and wait in ambush with a jar to move the snails and slugs out of your garden. Natural methods are usually home remedies that can help you prevent slugs on hostas. Alternatively, you can encourage wild beetles to stay near your plants by providing dry refuges under stones, grass, or straw.

home remedies to keep slugs away

It is for this reason that a homemade spray is not as effective. We recommend our article about the coffee grounds for plants. To get rid of slugs and snails with coffee grounds, sprinkle some around your plants.

"The Yellow Cellar slug mostly eats mould and algae but can also be found eating leftovers, pet food and compost. Alternatively, you can also use natural options such as cucumbers, citrus, coffee, and nematodes. First, you can use clean-up and structuring approaches such as speaking of the slugs and building barriers. Slug infestation can become a huge problem for your hostas.

home remedies to keep slugs away

Be careful using Epsom salts, and try not to use too much of it. Snails and slugs are fascinating to learn about in a biology class or interesting to observe from afar. Put them in your garden though, and they become more of an annoying nuisance than a fun and unique creature. The damage slugs cause earlier in the year is more stressful than the damage they cause towards the end of the season. It will be best to spray ammonia in the evening because the slugs start to become active. After all, the temperatures are not hot like during the day.

How to Stop Slugs from Eating Your Hostas

If they eat the garden produce itself, then it halts the growth of that plant and possibly of others around it. Rather than having to dodge and weave the sharp edges, snails would rather avoid the risk of getting poked by these shells altogether. So, they will just slither away and find a new place to provide them with their nightly meals. Ammonia is highly effective and popular for killing slugs.

However, you will have to reapply after a heavy shower of rain. There are also certain plants these pests are fonder of. These include basil, cabbage, strawberries, lettuce, hostas, dahlias, beans, and succulents.

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It should be above ground to prevent dirt or vegetation from forming a bridge for slugs to cross. Thanks to the allicin produced by the minced garlic, the solution helps repel slugs and snails naturally. Let’s put it this way, snails and slugs are bad — they are not good for the garden. However, the use of beneficial nematodes is a natural way to kill soil-dwelling slugs. Slugs are slimy creatures that eat plants, and they love dampness and darkness.

12 Ways to Get Rid of Slugs Naturally

Fortunately, home remedies like coffee grounds can protect your plants against slugs due to their acidity. In fact, according to the research of the USDA, one to two percent of caffeine found in coffee can kill slugs for only two days. As we’ve learned earlier, snails and slugs love dark spaces to hide.

home remedies to keep slugs away

Look under plants and any dark/shady areas, such as on the bottom of rocks. This is the best way to find them and pick them off, but you should also look for eggs. We recommend using a pair of tweezers or wearing gloves when picking them off. Snails and slugs are a major problem most gardeners face at some point.

Surround your garden beds with wood chips, gravel or bark.

So you’re likely to prevent slug infestation when you avoid watering your hostas up to late hours in the day. Also, do light watering for your hostas when it is not sunny. You can increase your watering when the sun comes out. These measures are effective ways to prevent slugs on hostas.

home remedies to keep slugs away

We’ll show you how to get rid of slugs in your garden naturally. Slugs love dark and damp, so keeping the garden tidy can reduce places for them to find comfort. In early spring, make sure to rake your garden to remove leaves, debris, and slug eggs.

Home Remedies for Slugs in the Garden

Check out how you can get these snails and slugs removed, so you no longer have to worry about your garden being eaten alive. It's one thing trying to control slugs in the garden, but how do we get rid of slugs in the house? And how can we stop them coming indoors in the first place? You can tell when a slug or snail has been inside your house if you find their wet, slimy trails across your floors or surfaces.

home remedies to keep slugs away

Not only do coffee grounds add nutrients to your soil, they can also work as a slug repellent. Slugs don’t love the scent of coffee, nor do they like the coarse feeling of the grounds. If your outdoor spaces have been overrun, try one of these methods for deterring and eliminating slugs.

How to Use Copper Tape

For a long time, I had a problem with these slugs both in my house and in my garden. I tried all the usual off-the-shelf products, including various types of pellets, sprays, and beer traps. Some of them worked for a while, but the slugs returned. My other concern was that I have kids and a dog that could get into poisonous pellets or sprays.

home remedies to keep slugs away

This way, by the time nighttime hits, the soil will be more dried out. This will make it less desirable for them to crawl around on. Rather than waiting to eat your plants in the morning, they will simply give up and inch their way on out of the garden. To help you deal with them accordingly, here are 17 different helpful ways to get rid of these snails and slugs. Some of the remedies can be found for a low cost or already located right in your kitchen.

Natural Slug Repellent Trap using Beer

Keep the cornmeal dry, and it will kill slugs by expanding inside them. Slugs will only notice these traps from a few feet away, so this is best used for small gardens or important areas. To use this repellent you only have to spread on the ground a repellent spray made with this ingredient. However, we must emphasize that the use of this product can have side effects on our soil.

home remedies to keep slugs away

You can also find silver-like slime trails on the nibbled leaves. Beer trap—This is another home remedy option that you can use against slugs. The yeasty odor of beer attracts slugs, which can drown them if they dip into the trap. If they get into your garden and eat the leaves of whatever plant you have growing, that plant will most likely begin to die.

How to Remove Slugs Naturally

Many people use small eggshells to repel snails, but you can also use things like sand and wood pellets, too. Slugs try not to leave slime trails over sand and wood pellets, as this cuts their bodies. In the morning, pick the grapefruit up and get rid of the snails inside. Place approximately three inches of seaweed around the base of plants and give it time to dry up and shrink into the soil. When the slugs finally make their way to the seaweed-filled earth, they’ll immediately turn around and leave that plant alone. The reason for this is because seaweed is salty, and slugs do not like salt.

Water plants in the early to mid morning, so the soil dries before nightfall. To use this product to our advantage we can place a small amount of beer in a shallow, wide-mouthed jar buried up to the neck. We recommend our article on how to use diatomaceous earth in garden. Diatomaceous earth is an excellent home remedy for slugs.

Using Chemical Controls

Copper creates an unpleasant electrical shock when slugs come into contact with it, which will deter them from passing. Create a barrier around your beloved garden by surrounding it with 4- to 6-inch copper flashing, or by wrapping susceptible plants with copper tape. Not only will the slugs stay away, but you can also reuse the copper flashing for several years to come. Keep in mind that this trick will only deter the slugs—not kill existing varieties. A slug beer trap is another lethal option and should only be used if your goal is to kill the snails.

home remedies to keep slugs away

Saturday, December 12, 2020

4 best Christmas gift basket ideas The Loveteam

Enter this large basket infuser, which is spacious enough for tea leaves to diffuse evenly and give off the most flavor. Plus, the super-fine mesh ensures even the smallest pieces won’t escape into your mug. The included lid helps tea stay hot while infusing, though the handles manage to stay cool to the touch. The brewing basket is dishwasher safe and available in multiple sizes and colors, so you can find one your gift recipient will like best. Ten single estate teas from France-based Palais des Thés bring a taste of around-the-world travel into the teacup.

tea for two gift ideas

The open lid reveals a detailed menu for easy selection. In Japan, on Valentine’s Day and White Day, lovers express their emotions and feelings through delicate gifts. Following this tradition, Curiousitea created a romantic tea gift box including a hand-made teacup from Bretagne and two Japanese romantic infusions. A fruitful marriage between Eastern traditions and Western craftsmanship!

Cute Cat Travel Tea Set Ceramic Teapot with Cups and Storage Bag Portable Office Tea Cups Tea Lovers GiftsChristmas gift

Measuring in at 5 inches high, the tin design is embellished with braids of silk thread, available in emerald, yellow, red, indigo, or black. If your giftee always has a cup of tea near them, whether it's at home or in the office, this smart mug is an exciting choice. The Ember Mug² warms hot beverages to maintain an ideal temperature, which is easily controlled with the Ember app. It recharges on a sleek matching coaster and can hold a charge for up to 90 minutes, allowing you to be portable for a while without being tied to a cord and outlet.

tea for two gift ideas

You don’t need a large crowd to have a fun tea party! These tea for two party ideas will help you plan the best celebration for you and a friend. Made order several days before Birthday and even paid for next day delivery.

I'd rather have a cup of tea and a good book- Printed Literary Themed Spoon- Tea Lover- Book Lover Gift

Our double-wall, 12 ounce ceramic tumbler and integrated stainless steel infuser make steeping loose tea by the cup simple. The innovative double-wall construction keeps tea hot and the tumbler cozy to hold. Share nature's gift of health with our exclusive Green Tea Gifts.

tea for two gift ideas

Tea or English Breakfast with a few other items straight from the UK. You don't have to be a homesick Brit to appreciate this candle. With notes of bergamot, rain, earl grey tea, toffee, and sugar, it'll make your whole flat smell like a freshly brewed cuppa. Between the vibrant packaging with witty copy and aromatic flavors, Irreverent Tea's tea sampler is anything but boring.

Busy Bee Tea for One Teapot Cup and Saucer Serving Set Pretty Water Colour Design

This celebratory set has all the fixings they'll need, including loose leaf teas, sugar cubes, honey, mini bundt cakes, and a tiered tray. Gift yourself or another with a lovely herbal tool chest of wellness teas. This gift set of 40 tea bags includes flavors like Immune Boost, Moroccan Mint, Dandelion Detox, Congest Away, Rooibos, Throat Soother & Immune Support. Protect your precious loose leaf teas with a double-lidded canister that will keep air out and leaves fresh. Boba tea goes by many names—bubble tea, pearl tea, tapioca tea, and more—but with its many colors, thick straws, and floating tapioca pearls, the beverage is easy to spot. There are countless variations around the world, but its basic ingredients are black tea, milk, ice, and those signature tapioca balls.

We recommend cleaning the outside of a kettle weekly, but the frequency can vary depending on how much you use your kettle. Fill the kettle halfway with equal parts water and white vinegar. A compilation of tea recipes and insightful articles on the history of tea, its health benefits, and tips on how to best prepare your favorite cup. All items in this collection are eligible for Free Standard Shipping.

Choose your location

This high quality kit comes with everything they'll need to make their own, including three premium loose leaf tea flavors , one large bag of boba, eight boba straws, and recipe cards. She drinks herbal tea every evening and alternates between coffee and black tea during the day. Taking inspiration from Japanese tea sets and symbolism, this beautiful blue set contains a porcelain teapot with a bamboo handle and four teacups. The set is also microwave- and dishwasher-safe, so long as you remove the stainless steel strainer beforehand. For those looking for a more traditional set, this is a fantastic option.

tea for two gift ideas

Which is exactly why shopping for a tea lover can feel intimidating—especially if you're more of a coffee person. Whether your tea fan is jumping in on the matcha craze or a longtime lover of this brilliant green tea, this traditional set includes all the tools they'll need to create the perfect cup. Fill the teapot or infuser basket with your loose-leaf tea. The general rule of thumb is 1 teaspoon of tea for every cup of water used, plus one extra scoop. So, if want to make 5 cups of tea, use 6 teaspoons of loose leaf. To add a bit of quirkiness to your cup of tea, Genuine Fred has a whole suite of silicone tea infusers shaped like animals–but among the cutest is this “manatea” in the shape of, well, a manatee.

She currently lives in Southern California while blogging, baking, and living life to the fullest. Here are some great gift ideas you can get your tea friend to show her how much you care. Let’s go back to times past where you weren’t in a hurry and you planned things out. Make it feel like your friend is the most important person there is. Create, a nice invite that you made by hand and send it to your BFF. You could also handwrite a letter and include your favorite quote or scripture into your invite.

Nothing fills the heart and home with warmth like an aromatic cup of tea. This selection offers comfort and coziness during the coldest winter months. French designer Sam Baron’s “Little Stories” combines collages and sketches to create poetic narratives of small flowers, birds, and prints. This delightful porcelain set includes two cups and two saucers. Most holiday gift baskets usually involve delectable chocolates, flavorful treats, as well as gourmet treats, but the options for what you could put in a gift basket are limitless. There's more to these special teas than meets the eye.

Tea Party Gift

The infuser hangs on the side of a cup, smiling at the drinker, while steeping loose-leaf tea. Both dishwasher- and microwave-safe, the infuser is heat-resistant up to a piping hot 450 degrees Fahrenheit. In addition to the adorable manatee, Genuine Fred also has infusers shaped like a seahorse, a narwhal, a whale, and even the Titanic.

tea for two gift ideas

Our Event Boxes are the most cost effective way to purchase Tea Forté gourmet tea and are perfect for large gatherings. Each box contains 48 pyramid infusers of a single blend. Customize the perfect tea collection with Tea Forté SELECT Tea Chest. Customize the perfect tea collection with Tea Forté SELECT. Choose up to four tea blends for 20 teas in all. Regardless of the distance, there are numerous ways to make them feel appreciated and loved this year. Spend a whole afternoon enjoying sumptuous sandwiches, freshly baked sweet pastries and delicious cakes.

Tea For Two Example: Mother Daughter Tea

In contrast, if you know the recipient is open to all different varieties, then don't hesitate to try more distinct options. Anyone who loves flowers will adore this beautiful box set, which comes with a glass serving pitcher, bamboo tongs for handling and stirring, and nine whole-flower herbs sourced from Tibet. Aside from great-tasting tea, the process of watching the dried flowers open up in hot water is relaxing and beautiful. Each bud makes 3 cups of tea, and the recipient gets three roses, three chrysanthemums, and three lotus flowers, each individually wrapped. Tea Forté aims to recreate the ancient ritual of presenting tea gifts in a modern and contemporary way.

Curated with The New York Botanical Garden, Paradis is inspired by the verdant living collections of The Garden's 250 acres and showcases an assortment that will transport the senses. These hand-selected blends of black, green, and herbal teas highlight the fragrances and flavors of orchid, lemongrass, citrus, and mango. Customize the perfect collection with Tea Forté SELECT. Choose from our most popular blends and two box sizes. Our 20 infuser box has the option to add an occasion band to suit special celebrations such as birthdays, Mother's Day, and more. Our Tea Chest of 40 infusers is perfect as a longer-lasting gift, or for dinner parties and larger gatherings.

The Perfect Gift for Tea for Two

If the tea lover in your life is someone who is very mindful, then our Daily Inspiration cards may be the perfect gift. Encourage them to start a new routine reading one of these cards while drinking their morning cup of tea. The set contains 365 cards letting mom pick one a day for all year round sound advice. These loose leaf tea drops are an innovative alternative to regular tea bags. They can also be used to make hot or iced tea—just add boiling water or cold water and ice. Each tea collection, Jardin, Fleur and Soleil, features elements of botanical prints by Pierre-Joseph Redouté, one of the most noted botanical artists in history.

tea for two gift ideas

With 31 different size options, there is surely one for every collector. You can mix and match up to six (!) exclusive blends in this bento-style gift box, including the one pictured here called "Bedtime Bliss." If there are serious about tea drinking, especially in the classic English style, then this 11 piece vintage-inspired set might be just their cup of tea. You can also get the bookmark personalized, to enhance its sentimentality for your recipient. These dainty earrings are handmade in Philadelphia, and "upcycled from actual vintage dollhouse china." Buy one set, or a couple so the tea lover in your life has options for various outfits.

Palais des Thés Around the World Set

He researches a variety of products and interviews field experts for their insight. After joining The Spruce team in 2019, he has also written about a number of other topics, including home goods, technology, and gifts. He received an MFA in Creative Writing from Columbia University and a BA in Communications from Marist College. Tea chests make a wonderful gift, and this one from Harney & Sons is particularly attractive and high-end. It comes pre-filled with 32 individually wrapped teas in eight flavors , and the owner can refill the keepsake box for years to come.

tea for two gift ideas

She currently lives in Southern California while blogging, baking, and living life to the fullest. Here are some great gift ideas you can get your tea friend to show her how much you care. Let’s go back to times past where you weren’t in a hurry and you planned things out. Make it feel like your friend is the most important person there is. Create, a nice invite that you made by hand and send it to your BFF. You could also handwrite a letter and include your favorite quote or scripture into your invite.

Tea Forté’s Wellbeing collection provides wellness teas in a soothing pastel theme. Add some complementary accessories in neutral tones such as our Bone White Café Cup or the Opus Glass Cup and Saucer to complete your gift basket. Help them grow their own blends with this tea herbs kit. They'll have the perfect little tea garden in just a few weeks. If you're looking for a delightful (or should we say "tea-lightful") gift for the holiday season, give your favorite tea lover a tea-filled advent calendar to count down the days.

tea for two gift ideas

Tea Forté offers a wide variety of exquisite and luscious black teas for many occasions for tea lovers and beginner sippers alike, making the gift of black tea a memorable one. While we offer a wide selection of specialty iced tea blends and iced teaware, you can also steep any of your favorite hot tea blends and serve them chilled over ice. Oprah likes to start every morning by pouring herself a cup of tea. (She takes hers "savory and strong," in case you were wondering.) And surely, you have a friend who has their own ritual. Perhaps it involves lighting a sweet-smelling candle, cuddling up for a feel-good movie, and helping themselves to a spot of oolong or a mug of chamomile. They may also love the health benefits of green or hibiscus tea, or use a piping-hot cup of it to wind down before hitting the sheets on a cold at night.

DelicaTeas Green Two-Cup Travel Teapot Set Ceramic Travel Tea Set with Travel Bag

It is usually small, bite-sized foods that are either sweet or delicate. This story will share your real value and worth, despite our flaws along with weekly encouragement, recipes and afternoon tea tips. Finally, don’t forget to add a lovely centerpiece to your table. I like to use a big showy bouquet because it enhances the theme of the party. Light a few candles, put on some soft music, and get ready for a nice visit.

tea for two gift ideas

You’ve heard of bath bombs, but did you know there are tea bombs? Tea Drops makes individually wrapped single-serve tea bricks in whimsical shapes. The 25 Tea Drop Deluxe Sampler features citrus ginger, matcha, blueberry acai, rose Earl Gray, and sweet peppermint tea. Touted as an eco-friendly alternative to bagged tea, Tea Drop also says the packaging is 100 percent recyclable and biodegradable. Treat your favorite tea drinker to a taste of Rare Tea Cellars, a purveyor that supplies Chicagoland fine dining restaurants with bespoke blends and single estate teas.

KATI® Steeping Cup

The whimsical shape and rose gold shade are sure to delight. For the tea drinker whose love goes beyond the leaf, this print examining the botanical structure of the tea plant will be a decorative reminder of their favorite drink. Send me exclusive offers, unique gift ideas, and personalized tips for shopping and selling on Etsy. Finally, once the recommended time has passed, serve the tea. If you had let the tea leaves float freely in the pot, place a small strainer over your teacup as you pour so you won’t get any loose leaves while sipping. For the coffeehouse matcha drinker who wants to take that obsession home, consider the Ippodo Tea Basic Matcha Kit.

tea for two gift ideas

Friday, December 11, 2020

Military Daily News, Military Headlines

The city has numerous public art works installed under the Public Art Program. The Johnson County Arts and Heritage Center houses the Johnson County Museum, KidScape, resident theatre company Theatre in the Park, a fine arts program, an emerging arts program, and the Overland Park Historical Society. Since 1963, it has had a mayor-council-manager form of government. The city council consists of 13 members popularly elected every four years with staggered terms in office. For representative purposes, the city is divided into six wards with two members elected from each ward.

nursing home jobs kansas city mo

Also, Overland Park is home to a significant number of Roman Catholics. Overland Park falls within the boundaries of the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas. Parishes such as St. Michael the Archangel, Holy Cross, Holy Spirit, Ascension and Queen of the Holy Rosary serve Catholics in Overland Park. Holy Cross offers a Spanish mass for the Hispanic community in the city. The Johnson County Library serves the entire county with 14 locations, three of which are in Overland Park . The Kansas Highway Patrol tends to patrol the various interstates running through the city including Interstate 35 in Kansas which runs through Overland Park along with U.S.

Graduate program

Maintains accuracy and production to ensure invoices are being processed effectively. A Care Team Specialist is responsible for managing the member's clinical experience from the point of request, through the desired outcome. Activate new member account, draft member medical history and identify the goal of the consult. Coordinates the evaluation process of the defined patient population. May complete and document portions of the evaluation process, collaborating with other team members to ensure completion of all required information. The Epic Analyst designs, analyzes, develops, tests, implements, and/or provides tier two technical assistance of assigned system applications.

The medical and health field is looking for many support personnel to handle medical records, insurance claims and billing as well as providing general customer service to patients. The possibilities are endless for medical and health professionals to find contract, independent, part-time and full-time jobs. Nurses who work in home health travel to patients’ homes; public health nurses may travel to community centers, schools, and other sites. Job growth is expected across most types of healthcare settings, including hospitals and outpatient care centers that provide same-day services, such as chemotherapy, rehabilitation, and surgery. In addition, because many older people prefer to be treated at home or in residential care facilities, registered nurses will be in demand in those settings.

Anesthesia program

Often the Wyandotte government is referred to simply as "The Unified Government". Another bend in the Missouri River forms the county line betweenWyandotte County, Kansas, and Platte County, Missouri, to the north and northeast. The quality and availability of health care are of primary importance to many demographics, but they are especially vital for older adults. When it comes to the overall quality of living in an area, health care places a huge role in determining how happy and healthy seniors are.

Communities of the Northland outside the city limits include Parkville, Kearney, Liberty, Platte City, Gladstone, Riverside, Smithville, North Kansas City, and Weatherby Lake. Nursing homes are designed to provide care to those who need constant medical and physical assistance because of illness or injury. Staff is available to help residents with personal care tasks such as bathing and grooming, while the skilled nursing staff members are on hand to provide medical treatment, wound care, and medication management . The national average cost for nursing home care is $7,441 – $8,365 per month, depending on the room type. Assisted living facilities are communities constructed for seniors who need some assistance with the activities of daily living. These facilities also offer housekeeping services, dining, medication management, transportation, and community events.


Join in on case discussions with the team, learn to formulate a differential list, and develop a treatment plan for commonly seen emergency cases. According to Arbitron, about 1.5 million people over the age of 12 live within the Kansas City DMA, making it the 30th largest market for radio and 31st for television according to Nielsen. The Kansas City television and radio markets cover 32 counties encompassing northwestern Missouri and northeast Kansas. The KC Streetcar is a 2.2-mile modern streetcar line in Downtown Kansas City. Opened to the public in May 2016, it is maintained and operated by the Kansas City Streetcar Authority, a non-profit corporation made up of private sector stakeholders and city appointees. A ballot initiative to fund construction of the $102 million line was approved by voters on December 12, 2012.

The Pay tab describes typical earnings and how workers in the occupation are compensated—annual salaries, hourly wages, commissions, tips, or bonuses. Within every occupation, earnings vary by experience, responsibility, performance, tenure, and geographic area. For most profiles, this tab has a table with wages in the major industries employing the occupation.

Logging workers harvest forests to provide the raw material for many consumer goods and industrial products. Forest and conservation workers measure and improve the quality of forests. General office clerks perform a variety of clerical tasks, including answering telephones, typing documents, and filing records.

The council sets policy for the city, annually identifies city priorities for the Kansas Legislature and the United States Congress, and authorizes ordinances, resolutions, contracts, and agreements. The mayor presides over council meetings, appoints members to resident boards and commissions, meets with constituents, and signs ordinances, resolutions, contracts, and agreements authorized by the council. The city manager administers city operations and implements policies set by the city council. 24.7% of residents were under the age of 18; 7.4% were between the ages of 18 and 24; 28.2% were from 25 to 44; 27.6% were from 45 to 64; and 12.3% were 65 years of age or older. According to the United States Census Bureau, the city has a total area of 75.37 square miles (195.21 km2) of which 74.84 square miles (193.83 km2) is land and 0.53 square mile (1.38 km2) is water. On May 20, 1960, Overland Park was officially incorporated as a "city of first class", with a population of 28,085.

Physician assistant program

Blue Valley, also based in Overland Park, operates 20 elementary schools, nine middle schools, five high schools, and one alternative high school in the city. A portion of western Overland Park lies within the Olathe Public Schools district which operates two elementary schools in the city. The extreme southwestern part of Overland Park lies within the Spring Hill School District. The city lies on the northern edge of the Osage Plains a few miles south of the Kansas River. One of the river's tributaries, Turkey Creek, flows northeast through the extreme northern part of the city. South of Turkey Creek, the majority of the city lies in the watershed of the Blue River.

They also help students earn their high school equivalency credential. Preschool teachers educate and care for children younger than age 5 who have not yet entered kindergarten. Postsecondary teachers instruct students in a variety of academic subjects beyond the high school level. Social and human service assistants provide client services in a variety of fields, such as psychology, rehabilitation, and social work. Marriage and family therapists help people manage and overcome problems with family and other relationships. School counselors help students develop academic and social skills.

Job Outlook

Addresses on east-west streets are numbered from Main Street in Kansas City, Missouri, and on north-south streets from St. John Avenue . The direction 'South' in street and address numbers is generally implied if 'North' is not specified, except for numbered 'avenues' in North Kansas City. Wyandotte County, Kansas has a population of 169,245 and contains Kansas City, Kansas, Bonner Springs, Kansas, and Edwardsville, Kansas. Kansas City, Kansas is locally called "KCK" to distinguish it from the larger Kansas City, Missouri .

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Recreational therapists plan, direct, and coordinate recreation-based treatment programs for people with disabilities, injuries, or illnesses. Chiropractors treat patients with health problems of the neuromusculoskeletal system, which includes nerves, bones, muscles, ligaments, and tendons. Adult basic and secondary education and ESL teachers instruct adults in fundamental skills, such as reading and speaking English.

Health and safety engineers combine knowledge of engineering and of health and safety to develop procedures and design systems to protect people from illness and injury and property from damage. Buyers and purchasing agents buy products and services for organizations. Purchasing managers oversee the work of buyers and purchasing agents.

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Kansas City, Missouri MO profile: population, maps, real estate, averages, homes, statistics, relocation, travel, jobs, hospitals, schools, crime, moving, houses, news, sex offenders

Interstate 35 runs diagonally through Johnson County, Kansas, from the southwest to downtown Kansas City, Missouri. The larger Missouri River is zigzagging from west to east; the much smaller Kansas is approaching from the southwest and joins it at Kaw Point in Kansas City, Kansas. Downtown Kansas City, Missouri, is immediately southeast of their intersection and North Kansas City, Missouri, is to its northeast. Below is an overview of the various types of senior care available, as well as their average costs.

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The primary runway at New Century AirCenter is the second longest runway in the region next to those at Kansas City International Airport. It is 7 miles from the Logistics Park Kansas City Intermodal Facility. The other airport, Johnson County Executive Airport has one runway on 500 acres and is the fourth busiest towered airport in the state of Kansas. The Missouri side of the metropolitan area south of the Missouri River shares a grid system with Johnson County on the Kansas side. Most east-west streets are numbered and most north-south streets named.

Religion statistics for Kansas City, MO (based on Jackson County data)

The portion of the city north of Interstate 435 lies within the Shawnee Mission School District . SMSD, which is headquartered in Overland Park, operates thirty eight elementary schools, two middle schools, six high schools, and multiple support facilities in the city. Most of the city south of I-435 lies within the Blue Valley School District.

Registered nurses also will be needed to educate and care for patients with chronic conditions, such as diabetes and obesity. Increasingly, management-level nursing positions require a graduate degree in nursing or health services administration. Administrative positions require leadership skills, communication ability, negotiation skills, and good judgment.

Independent Living

The metro public library systems include Kansas City Public Library , Mid-Continent Public Library, Kansas City, Kansas Public Library, and Johnson County Library. Private libraries include the Harry S. Truman Presidential Library and Museum and the Linda Hall Library. Kansas City Community Christian Church, at 4601 Main Street, has a group of lights that shoot a beam upwards to the sky at night.

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US 50 – Enters the area in southern Johnson County, follows I-435 from the west to I-470, then splits off of I-470 in Lee's Summit to continue eastward to Jefferson City and St. Louis as a regular highway. Its former route through Raytown and southeast Kansas City was renumbered as Route 350. U.S. 50 is also one of the six east-west highways that run coast-to-coast through the United States. US 40 – U.S. 40 is one of six east-west U.S.-numbered routes that run from coast to coast. US 24 – Running from Independence Ave. and Winner Rd., between downtown Kansas City and Independence, Missouri, it serves as a street-level connection to Independence. (Warrensburg is in Johnson County, Missouri. Atchison is in Atchison County, Kansas. Ottawa is in Franklin County, Kansas.) The combined statistical area covers a total area of 9,220 sq mi including 103 sq mi of water.

Graduate program

The Kauffman Center for the Performing Arts is perched upon a high point immediately south of the downtown loop. North of the loop are City Market within the River Market and Richard L. Berkeley Riverfront Park. West of the loop within the West Bottoms are Hy-Vee Arena and Hale Arena. Other nearby neighborhoods are River Market and Columbus Park, both located between the downtown loop and the Missouri River. Between the downtown loop and the state line are the Westside neighborhood and the West Bottoms, located at the bottom of the bluff adjacent to Kaw Point.

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Shopping centers include City Market, Crown Center, Country Club Plaza, Independence Center, Legends Outlets Kansas City, Oak Park Mall, Ward Parkway Center, and Zona Rosa. At least five service members allegedly were part of the deadly pro-Trump mob that assaulted the U.S. 64 Ukrainian soldiers and a United States national living in Ukraine have been released in the latest prisoner swap... Airmen at Barksdale Air Force Base in Louisiana have figured out how to attach the service's new hypersonic missile to an...

Postal service workers sell postal products and collect, sort, and deliver mail. Public safety telecommunicators, including 911 operators and fire dispatchers, answer emergency and nonemergency calls and provide resources to assist those in need. Receptionists do tasks such as answering phones, receiving visitors, and providing information about their organization to the public. Insurance sales agents contact potential customers and sell one or more types of insurance. Cashiers process payments from customers purchasing goods and services.

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The downtown loop also has small, distinct neighborhoods such as Quality Hill, the Garment District, the Financial District, the Convention Center District, and the Power and Light District. “55+ communities” encompasses several different types of housing designed for older adults who do not need any personal care assistance. These communities can take many forms, ranging from luxury houses to RV parks and anywhere in between. They are typically age-restricted to those aged 55 or older and may offer amenities and lifestyle services such as planned group activities and exterior maintenance.

The street roughly divides the city's mostly black neighborhoods to its east from its mostly white ones to its west. It is Kansas City's oldest surviving neighborhood, and has the city's largest concentration of Victorian homes. On one end of the spectrum independent living simply provides housekeeping and meals, while memory care facilities can provide the aid those with dementia need in every aspect of daily living.

In addition to science courses, bachelor's degree programs usually include education in communication, leadership, and critical thinking. A bachelor’s or higher degree is often necessary for administrative positions, research, consulting, and teaching. Some nurses do not work directly with patients, but they must still have an active registered nurse license.

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Midtown/Plaza, the core of the metropolitan area, has many cultural attractions, shopping and entertainment areas, large hospitals, universities, and the metro area's most densely populated neighborhoods. is a leading online destination for caregivers seeking information and support as they care for aging parents, spouses, and other loved ones. We offer thousands of original articles, helpful tools, advice from more than 50 leading experts, a community of caregivers, and a comprehensive directory of caregiving services. To learn more about our process, read about why each facet of our methodology is important, and what role it plays in determining the overall opportunity that seniors have to enjoy a healthy and happy lifestyle.

Thursday, December 10, 2020

Installing Radiant Floor Heat

Stone, ceramic, engineered timber or vinyl flooring are best, but always check with your supplier before buying. Wet UFH can be around 25% more efficient than radiators when paired with a modern condensing boiler; and up to 40% more effective when running from a heat pump. In this article, I’ll provide a quick overview on our experiences installing WarmBoard—a product we highly recommend using—over both concrete and a wood-framed floor. Assuming you are going to put a finished floor over top of all of this, you are going to have to add another layer on top of the radiators to subfloor it.

Floor Heating Guys of Toronto is a family-owned and operated business offering floor heating services for residential, commercial, and industrial customers. With years of experience in the industry, Floor Heating Guys has earned a reputation for being reliable and delivering quality service. The team offers installation and repair of electric floor heating systems, as well as maintenance services to ensure optimal system performance. Radiant floor heating can heat more evenly and efficiently than traditional forced air heating systems. Combined with smart thermostats, underfloor heating can use up to 40% less energy and save customers up to 25% on their energy bills. In 2005, IDHP’s founder David Gray decided to install hot water radiant floor heat into his new custom home.

How thick should a concrete slab be for radiant heat?

Even if you left it running 24 hours a day for 4 months , it would only cost you $400 to heat that space for that period of time. You will spend 5 times that just to do the work you are talking about, not to mention you will still have to pay to fire the boiler to heat the water to run through the radiant floor. Connecting a second-floor radiant system to the heat source is just a matter of finding a way to get the water from the boiler. Basically, wherever PEX tubes can be installed, radiant heat can travel. Then a single line can supply the water from the boiler to the manifold.

In other words, you might have trouble reaching your desired temperature in colder temperatures. An example would be feeling the warmth from a hot stove top element from across the room. When is the right time for you to use the emergency heat setting on your thermostat? It shows all the new models of it and then compares them with all the other existing companies at this time.

What is overlay underfloor heating?

Innovations in technology have also developed a dry installation method. The PEX tubing is situated in an air space under the floor, which is often faster and easier to build than the slab foundation. Ideally, the heat transfer plates should be spaced continuously but they don’t have to be. Our general rule of thumb is to space the aluminum plates continuously in carpeted rooms, bathrooms, and high heat loss areas such as great rooms.

installing hydronic radiant floor heating in existing home

Most other hard flooring can be installed directly over the tubing and plates. The staple-up radiant floor installation method is very popular because as long as you can see the joists from below, you can install radiant heat. While you can hire a pro to do a radiant-floor retrofit, it's not a difficult job if you're comfortable setting floor tiles. We recommend that a licensed electrician hook up the new electrical circuit. The objective is to cover the subfloor with a continuous, closely spaced pattern of heating cable, connect it to a thermostat on the new circuit, and cover the cable with thinset and tile.

Are There Heating Elements You Can Put Under Ceramic Tile Before Installing?

For thin slab installations, the radiant tubes are secured to the subfloor. This will raise the height of the floor and also requires adequate support for the weight of the concrete. This method is often used to retrofit homes or add hydronic radiant heat to second-floor rooms. Hydronic or water-based radiant heated flooring costs between $6 to $20 per square foot. Electric-based radiant floor heating runs between $8 to $15 per square foot.

Hydronic radiant floor heating is a style of underfloor heating that pumps heated water through tubes installed in the subfloor. While hydronic radiant floor heating provides the same even, consistent heat as its electric counterpart, it does have some drawbacks. Electric underfloor heating systems are installed between your house’s subfloor and finish flooring.

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The SunTouch system uses heating cable that's woven into 1- or 2-foot-wide plastic mats. While the mats can be cut to extend the cable into odd-shaped areas, this system is easiest to use when your installation area is rectangular. Thinking about installing radiant floor heating into your home and have any questions? Even better is that radiant heat can run off different energy sources like gas, oil, solar, and wood — or even a combination of those. Radiant heating systems that are paired withenergy-efficient thermostats can take you even further in your money-saving efforts.

installing hydronic radiant floor heating in existing home

My house is a relatively newer construction and there's foam under the slab. That said, I have reservations with putting a lot of weight over foam. If some heavy weight were placed over a particular spot for a long duration , wouldn't the foam compress and thus cause the flooring to cave down a bit?

Keep in mind, however, that the average heat loss in a new home is around 20 btu/hr/sq ft so this advantage may not come in to play for most installations. Thermal mass which is especially beneficial when using solar hot water for the heating source. Lay out the electric heating mats or cables to cover as much of the floor space as desired.

Made me recall a house we had with a partial garden basement. There is a lot of information about radiant floor heating systems buyers. If not, you need to set up the utility core for the water heater. It depends on the home size, the floor coverings, type of installation, and cost of. Hydronic radiant floor heating systems perform the same task as an electric system, just in a different way.

Retrofitting radiant heat into existing floors is common, especially during remodeling. If you have the opportunity, the best time to install radiant heat is before the construction of a home or new addition is complete. However, installing radiant heat flooring can be done anytime following these guidelines. Wet radiant floor heating installations are one of the most popular radiant heat systems today. For many, they are the oldest form of modern radiant floor systems.

installing hydronic radiant floor heating in existing home

We recommend this to any company or person if you want a change in your daily life. HTTPS is highly recommended if you require a secure buying experience. It operates at the transport layer, ensuring end-to-end network communications security, and is hence favored for internet communications and online transactions. This is a 16-digit number created randomly, combined with a CVV code, that you can use to purchase any product online.

Top-Rated Radiant Heating Services in Toronto : floorheatingtoronto

The “plywood and plates” installation involves ripping 3/4″ plywood into strips 12″ wide and securing them to the subfloor. You will leave a groove just wide enough for the tubing and plate which will be roughly 3/4″. In staple-up applications we can get about 35 btu/hour/sq ft whereas suspended slabs we can get up to 40 btu/hour/sq ft.

installing hydronic radiant floor heating in existing home

One of the easiest ways to get radiant flooring is to install it as you are pouring the initial concrete floor. Many flooring and heating/cooling experts suggest synthetic cork as an insulating layer between the concrete of your basement and your new flooring. Hydronic radiant floor systems can be designed and installed for both new homes and existing ones being refurbished. However, there are some important issues that homeowners should address when installing a hydronic system in an existing house. The warm water is delivered through tubing that is laid underneath the floors, allowing for evenly spread radiant heat. Electric heated floors are easier to install and cost less, usually around $8 to $15 per square foot.

How To Install Hydronic Heating And What It Costs

It's faster and less expensive to install, and it makes a good retrofit for a bathroom, say, or a small dressing room. But TOH's Richard Trethewey doesn't recommend electric radiant for larger spaces, like a kitchen or a finished basement. "With the high cost per kilowatt-hour, it isn't a good principal heating source—particularly in cold climates," says Richard.

installing hydronic radiant floor heating in existing home

In most areas, however, a licensed installer is required to install the heat source, especially if a boiler is involved. The second method allows for the floor thickness to be only about ½ inch. This is achieved by sandwiching the tubing between the subfloor and the floor covering. Currently there are many different types of underlayment panels that can be used to hold the tubing in place.

Top-Rated Radiant Heating Services in Toronto

If you require a flat reduction for the hydronic radiant floor heating system you wish to purchase, follow the best sale technique of a couple of portals, which occurs occasionally. These platforms will also supply better-Guideed price selections on various items during the off-season. There are numerous benefits of having radiant floor heating in your home. Apart from never getting cold feet indoors, it’s a low-maintenance and cost-effective solution for homes of all sizes.

installing hydronic radiant floor heating in existing home

No PEX tools required,Just use regular pliers or adjustable wrench to connect PEX tubing to the manifold. Simply mount the manifold on brackets and connect valves and PEX tubing. Whether you have a wet basement or need a plumbing fixture installation give us a call.

Azel SP-83 Three Zone Switching Relay for Hydronic Radiant Floor Heating Systems

Insulation beneath the tubing is critical to keeping the heat moving up into the floor, rather than dispersing every which way. At the project house, the crew will spray foam insulation over the tubing between the joists, forming a tight seal. Not only do radiant systems offer maximum comfort for home dwellers with increased energy efficiency, but they have the added bonus of being hidden from the view of guests. StickyMat systems that use an ultra-thin ⅛” heating wire, the height of your floor will not be impacted by your heat source.

installing hydronic radiant floor heating in existing home

Combining consistent heating with easy installation and significant cost-savings, there’s never been a better time to install radiant floor heating in Seattle. Don’t spend another winter huddled next to your heating vent; discover the luxury and comfort of an evenly heated home while saving money on your energy bill. The second method, called “dry installation,” uses panels that have been fabricated with tracks for the radiant tubing.

Keep in mind, however, that the average heat loss in a new home is around 20 btu/hr/sq ft so this advantage may not come in to play for most installations. Thermal mass which is especially beneficial when using solar hot water for the heating source. Lay out the electric heating mats or cables to cover as much of the floor space as desired.

installing hydronic radiant floor heating in existing home

Hydronic radiant floor heating is a style of underfloor heating that pumps heated water through tubes installed in the subfloor. While hydronic radiant floor heating provides the same even, consistent heat as its electric counterpart, it does have some drawbacks. Electric underfloor heating systems are installed between your house’s subfloor and finish flooring.

Can Radiant Heat Be Installed Under Your Existing Floor?

The thinnest profile overlay system will require 15mm of depth to incorporate the pipes and get you to the bottom of your floor finish. Screed systems (liquid and sand/cement) can range depending on the floor level installed range from 25mm to 75mm in thickness. I'm hoping someone could chime and provide some feedback to this approach. I don't want to lay the PEX down and pour concrete over it because that goes into a whole other topic about thermal mass and heat loss. Ken Philp ClimateCare services Owen Sound and surrounding areas for a variety of plumbing, heating/cooling, and electrical needs.

installing hydronic radiant floor heating in existing home

The tubing snakes uninterrupted from bay to bay through holes drilled at least 2 inches from the edges of each joist. In a kitchen or family room, though, Richard takes care not to run it under cabinets or other built-ins. "You don't want to trap the heat under a sealed box," he explains. Warmup’s electric radiant systems are easy to install and protected by their SafetyNet installation guarantee, to protect against accidental damage during installation. Combined with 24/7 customer service, installing radiant floor heating in Seattle has never come with greater peace of mind.

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

‎Color Clock Widget-Home Screen on the App Store

What if we could easily customize app icons? Yes, it is possible to do that now, but it requires a fair amount of work. While you can follow our handy guide, I’d like something closer to the easy theming options you can set on Android. However, if you want a bit more control over widget placement, you can also drag and drop widgets into the rectangular frame below the clock on the lock screen. You can also long-press on a widget and move it around within the rectangular box to change its position.

home screen clock widget iphone

You may be able to find a widget that does it but you'd have to swipe right to view it. If you see ads appearing on this site and getting annoyed or disturb by them. As much as I want to share everything for free, unfortunately the domain and hosting used to host all these articles are not free.

Data Used to Track You

Eight optional weather widgets to see moon events, sun events, conditions, location, rain, air quality, UV index, and wind. Only the current weather conditions and moon events come in the larger widget format. In 2020, my former colleague Chaim Gartenberg argued that Apple will probably never give us custom app icons. At the time, I completely agreed with him.

home screen clock widget iphone

The Calendar widget comes in three formats. You can track the current date as a square widget (although why you'd want to is unclear since the date is always displayed above the time). You can also track the next upcoming event's time or use a larger widget to show both the event name and its time. Oddly, if you use two battery widgets they will display the battery level for the same device, rather than showing AirPods in one and ‌iPhone‌ in the other. Hopefully this is a kink that will be worked out in the beta testing phase. As my colleague Allison Johnson wrote, the new iOS 16 lock screens rule.

Here’s what it’s like to wear the Dyson Zone

Therefore, you have a variety of widgets for Apple’s native apps at your disposal at the moment, with more third-party widgets expected to arrive with the official release later this year. In iOS 16, Apple has opened up the Lock Screen to a wealth of personalization options not seen before. IPhone users can change not only the wallpaper but also the clock font and color, and with the addition of widgets, users can customize the look and control the information density. With iOS 15 and later, you can turn on Widget Suggestions, so apps you already use can automatically appear in your Smart Stack at the right time based on your past activity.

So yeah, by adding widgets, you can make your iPhone lock screen useful and get access to key information with ease. Currently, there are a handful of lock screen widgets available in iOS 16 on the iPhone. But it’s only a matter of time before third-party app makers release their own lock screen widgets, offering you a plethora of options to choose from. Until then, try out the widgets Apple has made available for its native apps in iOS 16. And let us know your thoughts on lock screen customization and widgets in iOS 16 in the comments section. Finally, if you run into any errors or have any questions, let us know in the comments, and someone from our team will help you.

Widgets You Can Add Above the Time

The native weather app provides a couple of really useful weather widgets. You can use the rainfall widget, the temperature widget, UV Index, sunrise and sunset, and more. Personally, I use the temperature and the precipitation lock screen widgets to help me quickly get an idea of the conditions I can expect throughout the day. Among the many new features in iOS 16, lock screen widgets are one of my favourites.

home screen clock widget iphone

The basic Light and Dark themes are included with the free version. However, for 99 cents per month, you can also access a live time-zone converter and various themes. While the apps are still jiggling, move the widget where you want it on the screen, then tap Done.

How to Add World Clock and Time Zone Widgets to Your iPhone

Now, tap the “-” button at the top left of the widget you want to remove from your device’s lock screen. IOS 16.2 is now available for the iPhone 8 and newer following two months of beta testing. With last-minute additions like Apple Music Sing and Advanced Data Protection, the software update includes over a dozen new features and changes for the iPhone. Below, we've recapped many of the new features available with iOS 16.2, including Apple's new whiteboard app Freeform, two new Lock Screen... The feature has only launched in Arizona, Colorado, and Maryland so far, but Apple shared a list of additional U.S. states committed... As poster above noted, it's not going to happen on your home screen as iOS is not as customizable as android in that regard.

home screen clock widget iphone

The developer will be required to provide privacy details when they submit their next app update. For more information, see the developer’s privacy policy. Now, you can be able to choose your own photo and set it as your clock background. New 14" and 16" models with M2 Pro and M2 Max chip options as the most significant changes.

Such a pity that this feature will be exclusive to the 14 Pro models… And no iPhone mini will have it. One smaller and one larger widget let you view price quotes and track performance a symbol throughout the day. There's also a larger widget that displays three stocks. I also want more ways to organize my icons. I typically keep just three or four rows of apps on my homescreen and relegate everything else to the App Library.

home screen clock widget iphone

Touch and hold an app or empty area on the Home Screen or Today View until the apps jiggle. Tap at the top of the screen to open the widget gallery. The developer does not collect any data from this app.

And get a daily digest of news, geek trivia, and our feature articles. Touch and hold a widget to open the quick actions menu. Touch and hold a widget until the quick actions menu opens. Touch and hold the widget to open the quick actions menu.

home screen clock widget iphone

Below is a list of all the available stock ‌Widgets‌ that Apple has included in the first ‌iOS 16‌ beta, divided into those which can be added above or below the digital clock. needs to review the security of your connection before proceeding. Personally, I love Apple’s options for wallpapers that fill the background with a color or shade. My background is usually a gradient color of some kind, and in the past, I’ve resorted to scouring the web for good-looking images that often weren’t quite right. Now, I can pick from a huge swath of colors right from the wallpaper menu, tweak the intensity of the gradient, and mess around with different shades. In 2022, Apple introduced iOS 16, which brought with it vastly improved lock screens — and made the iPhone so much better.

How to Add, Customize and Remove Clock Widget from iPhone Home Screen

If you have the Google app installed on your iPhone, you will be able to add widgets for things like starting a Google search , jumping straight into translation, and more. These widgets will definitely prove useful for people who find themselves using the Google app a lot. You can add widgets to your Lock Screen to get information at a glance—for example, the temperature, battery level, or upcoming calendar events.

home screen clock widget iphone

How to Change the Clock Style on Your iPhone Lock Screen

They are great for keeping a track of important information on the go. What’s more, if you have enabled always on display in iPhone 14 Pro, these widgets can add more information available to you at a glance. So, if you’re thinking of customising the lock screen on your iPhone, here are the best lock screen widgets for iPhone you can use.

home screen clock widget iphone

Another great set of lock screen widgets comes from Fantastical. You can use the Up Next widget to see what event is coming up in your day, or you can use the simple calendar widget to quickly glance at the day and date. The most useful one, at least for me, is the Quick Action widget, which you can customise to quickly add new events, reminders, or even search the Fantastical calendar. Though the native weather widget in iOS 16 is good enough for most users, if you’re looking for something more personal , you should check out Carrot Weather. This is one of the best weather apps for iPhone, and its lock screen widget is no different.

Clock Widgets

Or you can use widgets from Today View by swiping right from the Home Screen or Lock Screen. To view widgets, swipe right from the left edge of the Home Screen or the Lock Screen, then scroll up and down. Compatibility iPhone Requires iOS 14.1 or later. Compatibility iPhone Requires iOS 10.0 or later.

(Might I recommend the waffle or yawn emoji?) If you really want to get fancy, you can even make your iPhone’s wallpaper a rotating gallery of good vibes. Now, find a widget and tap on it to add to the day/date section. After that, be sure to tap “Done” at the top-right corner to confirm your selection.

It’s a clock

For example, for a Mail widget, you can tap the mailbox shown in the widget, then choose a different mailbox so the messages in that mailbox are displayed in the widget. Or you can customize a Smart Stack to rotate through its widgets based on your activity, your location, the time of day, and so on. You can simply add the widget to your lock screen, add the flight that you want to track and that’s it.

The native weather app provides a couple of really useful weather widgets. You can use the rainfall widget, the temperature widget, UV Index, sunrise and sunset, and more. Personally, I use the temperature and the precipitation lock screen widgets to help me quickly get an idea of the conditions I can expect throughout the day. Among the many new features in iOS 16, lock screen widgets are one of my favourites.

How to Add a Widget to the iPhone Home Screen

Such a pity that this feature will be exclusive to the 14 Pro models… And no iPhone mini will have it. One smaller and one larger widget let you view price quotes and track performance a symbol throughout the day. There's also a larger widget that displays three stocks. I also want more ways to organize my icons. I typically keep just three or four rows of apps on my homescreen and relegate everything else to the App Library.

home screen clock widget iphone

Our app is functional without purchasing an Auto-Renewable subscription, and you can use all the unlocked content after the subscription expires. You can create multiple custom Lock Screens and switch between them throughout the day. If a Lock Screen links to a specific Focus, switching from that Lock Screen to another also switches your Focus.

Therefore, you have a variety of widgets for Apple’s native apps at your disposal at the moment, with more third-party widgets expected to arrive with the official release later this year. In iOS 16, Apple has opened up the Lock Screen to a wealth of personalization options not seen before. IPhone users can change not only the wallpaper but also the clock font and color, and with the addition of widgets, users can customize the look and control the information density. With iOS 15 and later, you can turn on Widget Suggestions, so apps you already use can automatically appear in your Smart Stack at the right time based on your past activity.

home screen clock widget iphone

I Would like very much to have this functionality on my IPhone. However, it seems, Apples idea of a widget is different than my idea of a widget. I installed a clock widget on my IPhone, but in order to have it running, Ihave to swipe right on the home screen, swipe up to find the widget and then start it. It occupies the entire screen, running as an application. Tap “+” on top right of screen to add widget to iOS or tap “-” on individual widget to remove it4) Once in jiggle mode, the“+”button appear on top right of the screen.

Gurman: All-New Mac Pro Still in Testing, But 'M2 Extreme' Chip Likely Canceled

Your widget should now be on the Home screen. If you’re using Widgetsmith and you don’t see the world clock, tap the widget to edit it. Next, head to the widget page for the size you selected previously.

home screen clock widget iphone

As you can see, there are widgets for pretty much everything already. So, which lock screen widgets are you using on your iPhone? Launcher is a great app for you if you want to create lock screen widgets to quickly launch apps, call people, and more. You can create custom launchers for almost anything you want, and add them to your lock screen. I have added a widget for launching Instagram, which might not be a good idea for productivity, but it definitely saves me a bunch of taps.

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